
TheryCell Team Members

Dr. Steffen Hennig, CEO: SH is co-founder and CEO of Therycell. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from University of Goettingen, but switched into Genome Research in 1995, where he joined the group of Hans Lehrach at the MPIMG in Berlin, Dahlem. He has extensive experience in genomics and bioinformatics, with a special focus on sequence analysis. In 2007, he was co-founder of imaGenes GmbH and heading the bioinformatics and the service groups. From 2010-2012 he was Head of Bioinformatics at Source Bioscience, Nottingham. Since 2012 he is CEO of HSDiagnomics in Berlin. He is coinventor in two patents related to TCR-repertoire sequencing and tumor-reactive TCRs.

Dr. Volker Lennerz: VL joined TheryCell in 2020 as the company's Chief Scientific Officer (CSO).  He obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University Medical Centre (UMC) Mainz (group of Prof. Thomas Wölfel) with a thesis entitled "Identification and characterization of T cell defined tumor-associated antigens in the melanoma model MZ7 (DT)".  During more than two decades as a senior scientist at the UMC Mainz, VL established a track record in studying the role of T cells in controlling human cancers, T cell response analysis and immune monitoring of cancer vaccine trials, manufacturing and quality control of cellular therapeutics, and training, supervision and mentoring of students in biomedical research. VL is leading TheryCell's development of novel technologies for the production of therapeutic T cells and the identification of tumor antigens targeted by the T cells.

Nadine Genzel is responsible for our lab, especially the paired sequencing technology which is essential for full resolution of T-cell receptors. She got a degree in biology at the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2002 and worked as a group leader for the microarray group at ImaGenes GmbH. From 2012 to 2017 she was responsible for the Berlin lab of Source BioScience, UK leading the contract research department. She is expert in a broad range of molecular biological technologies.

Dr. Jörn Glökler: JG studied biology with a focus on genetics and biochemistry at the University of Bayreuth. He worked as a group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin (2008-2011) to establish novel protocols in high-throughput screening technologies such as protein microarrays, SELEX, DNA encoded libraries in conjunction with next-generation sequencing and biosensors. He is founding member of TheryCell and has filed several patent applications including coupled sequencing and sorting of immune cells. Within Therycell, JG is senior advisor for these technologies and IP-related strategies.

PD Dr. Volkhard Seitz: VS holds a doctoral degree in biochemistry. His scientific focus is on molecular alterations in malignant lymphomas and the understanding of the complex mechanisms of T- and B-cell rearrangements. Currently, he is a senior scientist at the Charité in the Institute of Pathology. Besides being founding member of TheryCell he is also co-founder of HSDiagnomics. His personal mission is to translate research into practical clinical applications and to support the fight against cancer and other diseases with immunological background. VS is an important driver for technologies developed by TheryCell and co-inventor of the TCRsafe system.

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hammer: RH is co-founder of Therycell. He studied biology and pharmacology in Austria, U.S. and Germany, and was a senior manager at Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) until 2008 in several leading positions, e.g.  head of research at BI Germany from 1992-2000, with responsibilities for up to 500 researchers. As senior scientific advisor of TheryCell RH supports the company scientifically and strategically in the development of new technologies and their commercialization. He is co-inventor of the patent related to the identification of tumor-specific TCRs.

Members of advisory board

Dr. Thomas Heil: TH studied medicine in Marburg and received his MD at University of Freiburg, Germany in 1972. Until 1981 he was specializing and working as clinical surgeon at University Ulm where he did his habilitation in surgery. Then he left the clinic and joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 1982 where he stayed until 2012. Within Boehringer Ingelheim he held a series of high level management positions, e.g. national representative in Germany, UK and finally in Japan. Thomas Heil joined the TheryCell team as a partner in early 2018 and advises the company in development of international industry business relations.

Dr. Julia Kargl: Julia  received her PhD at the Medical University of Graz, Austria in 2012 and continued her postdoctoral training at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA (2013-2016). Since 2017 she holds a group leader position at the Medical University of Graz focusing on immune cell interactions and functions in non-small cell lung cancer. Julia is supporting TheryCell with her rich expertise in tumor immunology, immune cell analysis and cell sorting.